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Social Media Content

Having great content is a must for establishing your presence on social media. I lasso years in developing public relations content to help you engage and interact with your clients or customers.

Are you on Facebook but run out of things to say? Do you want to tweet but wonder if you’ll twitter your time away and have nothing to show for it?

Have you considered email marketing, but wonder if you will annoy your customers?

Social media provides an excellent public relations platform for for your business. If you are an author, it can help you build an audience and communicate with your readership. When done right, social media can be fun, engaging and provide real value to the people you want to communicate with. With great content, you can both inform and engage your audience.

For the past nine years, I’ve been the public relations and social media strategist for a local company, supporting its rise to become a million dollar small business. I’d love to support your success, too. 

Don’t get stopped by overwhelm or lack of clarity.

Contact me for a fifteen minute Strategy Session to get you going!

Copyright 2019 Cynthia Yoder